About The words of a book open the doors to imagination and everything gets colored


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``My sources of inspiration are the magic of remote areas and the culture of the present.``

I was born in Busto Arsizio (Milan) from Greek ancestors, who had migrated to Italy from the village of Magouliana in Arcadia, Peloponnesus, Greece, which my family name was derived from. A part of mine, however, finds its paternal origins in Parma, where I am still contining my research, to complete my genealogical tree.

I graduated in 1967 at the Liceo Artistico of my town in Fine Arts, followed by a post-graduate diploma in Graphic Design in 1973, at the Academy of Artistic Activities (3A), Milan.

I have worked as an artist and a fine arts teacher in many Countries around the world, including Italy (my native country), Saudi Arabia (as Fine Arts and Craft teacher of the Royal Family in Riyadh from 1986 to 1989), Libya, India and the last sixteen years in UAE, where I live and where I have adapted my classical background to fit the local culture and atmosphere.

I have specialized in the “portrait”. An expression in which I try combining the figurative aspect with a deep psychological introspection. In fact, I think that the main task in this type of painting is to overcome the mere physical resemblance, to catch the most intimate aspects of the characters, their interior qualities. Not only the surface of things, but their soul, their intimate beauty.


Fine Arts High School Diploma

“Liceo Artisitco of Busto Arsizio”, 1967

“Graphics Professional Certification”

Ateneo 3A, 1973, Academy of Artistic Activities

“Qualification to Fine Arts teaching in High Schools”, 1976


  • Cultural Foundation Workshop, Abu Dhabi, since 2002.
  • Abu Dhabi Art Squad, since October 2010.
  • Mega Art, since January 2013 (www.meagart.it)
  • Movimento Arte del XXI Secolo (www.artedelxxisecolo.com), since October 2013
  • Web Portal of Prof. Paolo levi


  • Prize “Caravaggio”, awarded by the Jury chaired by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi” to my work “In the sign of Lilith in Code 20”, on my participation to the International Exhibition “Spoleto Arte”, inaugurated by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi himself at the Frau Terrace of Spoleto on 18th October 2020.
  • In April 2018, on my participation to the “Visionary Art – International Art Exhibition and Contest” in Moscow, I have been selected from more than four hundred participants for the award of the “Critics’ Award – Visionary Concept”, for my work “The Medusa (Jelly Fish)”.
    The award has been decided by a Jury made of Presidents from Ars Nova LLC of Moscow, ItaliArt of Milan, RuArt of Moscow and Euro ART Alliance of Brussels.
  • November 2017 – “The Sgarbi Collection”
    In November 2017 my two works “Noelle and the Book” and “Ecstasy of Chili” have entered the “Sgarbi Collection”, one of most prestigious art collections in the world, housed at villa Cavallini Sgarbi.
  • “Critics Award Sandro Serradifalco” – October 2017
  • Award for “Technical Skill” assigned to me by the responsible Jury and vested during the closing ceremony of MeArt,, Fair of Mediterranean Sea, Palermo 12 March 2017.
  • “First International Trophy Art Empire”, Paris, Carousel du Louvre (21st / 23rd October 2016), Vienna, Italian Institute of Culture, Palace Sternberg (19th November 2016) and Rome, Palace Brancaccio (1st December 2016), by Prof. Paolo Levi.
  • “Contemporary Artists in the City of the Uffizi”, Florence, Palace Ximenes Panciatichi, 10th -13th November 2016.
  • “Artistic Acknowledgment D.O C.”, by Prof. Paolo Levi, June 2016.
  • Art Biennial “1st Grand Prix des Arts Visuels 2016, Cannes, 23rd April 2016.
  • “1st International Award Tiepolo”, Palazzo Clerici, Milano, 21st April 2016.
  • “Diploma of Merit”, for participating to the Xth Biennial of Roma in January 2014, with selection by CIAC (International Centre of Contemporary Artists), 21st November 2014, Rome, Sala Protomoteca in the Palace of Campidoglio.
  • “Arte Autunno 2014”, with selection by CIAC (International Centre of Contemporary Artists), 21st November 2014, Rome, Sala Protomoteca in the Palace of Campidoglio.


  • Artists 21 – International Catalogue of Contemporary Art – By Art Now, Palermo, Edition by Mondadori Store, 2021
  • Art Leader – A guide how to invest in Art – By Angelo Crespi, Edited by Art Now, Palermo, 2020
  • The Evolution of Art in the XXI Century – By the Art Historian Prof. Rosario Pinto, who is conducting a research on the Contemporary Art, starting from the middle of 1800 to nowadays.
    This book constitutes the Volume V of the collection “Between Tradition and Innovation”, published by Prof. Rosario Pinto, and archived at the Library Thomas J. Watson of the Metropolitan Museum of New York
  • Artists 19 – International Catalogue of Contemporary Art – By Art Now, Palermo, Edition by Mondadori Store, 2019
  • “Catalogo Arte Moderna Giorgio Mondadori (Former Bolaffi)” – 2018
  • Monography with eleven works of mine, published by EA Editore of Palermo, September 2017, which is accompanied by an art critic by Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, and is accessible at the link: https://ita.calameo.com/read/005112205ca0b911ee3f3
  • Monography “Accordi di Verdi e Rosa (Chords of Green and Pink)”, published by EA Editore of Palermo for my participation to the “International Prize Art Milan”, Dal Verme Theatre, Milan, July 25th 2017, with the art critic “A come Arte, A come Amore, ovvero Amore per l’Arte”, by Critic and Editor Sandro Serradifalco and the comment of Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, visible on line at the link: : https://ita.calameo.com/read/005112205da4b9e524a48
  • “My Art”, my Art on the Cover Page, Be-annual Magazine of Art e Culture, by EA Editore, Palermo, Year I, 2017, visible on line at the link:https://ita.calameo.com/read/00511220524cf2a76feb7
  • “Italiani”, Selection of Contemporary Art by Vittorio Sgarbi, Art Critic, Art Historian, Politician, Cultural Commentator and Writer, 2016
  • “Maestri”, Selection of Contemporary Art by Vittorio Sgarbi and Sandro Serradifalco, published by EA Editore, Palermo, 2016
  • “International Contemporary Artists” volume VII, C.A. Publishing, US: 380 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY, 10168, USA

Art Exhibitions

Group Exhibitions

  • International exhibition “Spoleto Arte”, Terrazza Frau, Spoleto, by Art Factory, with the artistic management and the participation of Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi, 18th October – 1st November 2020.
  • Photographic Exhibition “My Town”, Rome, Arte Borgo Gallery, 10th – 22nd October 2020.
    Dedicated to my native town Busto Arsizio, aimed to present, through photography, witnesses and stories on my town, its urban landscape and its social life.
  • International Exhibition “Line-Shape-Colour and Prize The Nike of Samotrace”, Florence, Association Historical Centre Art Gallery, 1st -11th March 2020.
  • “Budapest Art Expo – International Biennial Exhibition of the East”, Gallery Printer of Budapest, 22 -27 November 2019, by di Art Now, Palermo.
  • “Linee Artistiche a Confronto nel XXI Secolo”, Centro Multimediale Mario Cacace “Eden Paradiso”, of Anacapri, Capri, 22nd September 2019, by the Associazione Culturale Napoli Nostra, with the direction of the Artistic Director Mr. Gennaro Corduas e under the supervision of Professor and Art Critic Rosario Pinto.
  • Mantova Artexpo 2019, Biennial International Exhibition of Contemporary Art, Museo Diocesiano Francesco Gonzaga of Mantova (Italy), 8th – 16th June 2019, by Art Now, Palermo, with the participation of the Art Critics Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi and Prof. Paolo Levi.
  • “L’Arte delle Donne”, Milano Art Gallery, 8 – 27 March 2019, by Sopleto Arte.
  • “Van Gogh International Art Exhibition”, Complesso Monumentale Guglielmo II of Monreale (Palermo – Sicily), 14-22 April 2018, by Editore of Palermo.
  • “Visionary Art”, International Art Exhibition and Contest, Moscow, 27th March –1st April 2018, by Italiart.
  • “New York International Art Expo”, 11th March 2018, by Spoleto Arte.
  • Abu Dhabi – UR Gallery – Nation Tower – 20th to 28th February 2018.
  • “Venezia Art Expo – Exhibition of Nations” Scuola Grande della Misericordia, Venice, 16th to 18th March 2018, by EA Editore of Palermo.
  • “The Founding Leader”, Art Hub Gullery, The Mall at World Trade Center, Abu Dhabi – 27 January to 14th February 2018, to celebrate the anniversary of the birth of former Sheikh Zayed, founder of the United Arab Emirates (1918-2004).
  • “Biennial of Milan – International Art Meeting”, by Spoleto Arte, held at Brera Site, Milan, 11-15 October 2017, with the participation of Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.
  • “Eccellenze Museali”, Exhibition of Contemporary Art, by Sandro Serradifalco, Museo Civico G. Sciortino of Monreale (Palermo – Sicily), 12-23 September 2017, with the participation of the art critic Prof. Vittorio Sgarbi.
  • Premio Internazionale “Arte Milano”, by EA Editore of Palermo, under the Artistic Direction of Vittorio Sgarbi, Milano, Teatro Dal Verme, 25th July 2017.
  • Premio Internazionale “Novecento”, to remember the Sicilian Artist Renato Guttuso, by EA Editore of Palermo, under the Artistic Direction of Prof. Paolo Levi, Bagheria (Palermo), 6-8 July 2017.
  • “2nd Biennial Exhibition of Art of Barcelona”, by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore of Palermo, Barcelona (Spain) from 5th to 7th May 2017.
  • “Contemporary Artists in the Sale del Bramante”, by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore of Palermo, P.za del Popolo, Rome, from 23rd to 29th March 2017.
  • ME Art, Fiera del Mediterraneo di Palermo” and “Levi Museum”, by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore, 9th -12th March 2017, Palermo.
  • “EArt Shopping” by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore, 1st September -31st December 2016, Palermo.
  • “Arte States”, by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore, with triple video-projection at Hollywood (29th July 2016), New York (13th October2016) e Washington (16th October 2016).
  • “EA Gallery Club” by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore, 8th -15th July 2016, Palermo.
  • “Arte Iubilaeum” by Associazione Socio Culturale EA Editore, 19th to 26th May 2016, Sale del Bramante, P.za del Popolo, Rome, to celebrate the 2016 Jubilee.
  • “Italian Art Fair 2015”, Gallery of Light, Dubai Community Theatre & Art Centre (DUCTAC), Mall of Emirates, Dubai (UAE), by Ars Docet and the Cultural Association Arianna, 5 -12 December 2015, under the patronage of the Italian Embassy of Abu Dhabi, the Italian Consulate of Dubai and the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Dubai.
  • 2 December 2015 – Etihad Modern Art Gallery of Abu Dhabi celebrates 44 years of the United Arab Emirates with a theme exhibition. H.E. Sheikh Nahyan Mubarak Al Nahyan, UAE Minister of Culture, Youth and Social Development, has attended the event.
  • “Milano Art Week – Ode to Food”, Pisacane Arte of Milan Gallery, by Ars Docet and the Cultural Association Arianna, 27 June -16 July 2015, in the frame of the Universal Exhibition Milan Expo 2015.
  • “Internazionale Italia Arte 2015”, Museum MIIT of Torino, by Italia Arte, Torino, 5 -12 June 2015, in the frame of the Universal Exhibition Milan Expo 2015.
  • “Sapori, Colori e Culture (Tastes, Colors and Cultures)”, by the Galleria Spazio Museale “Sabrina Falzone”, Milan, 9-19 May 2015, in the frame of the Universal Exhibition Milan Expo 2015.
  • “Cremonartexpo 2015”, Fair of Contemporary and Modern Art, Cremona Fiere, 14-16 March 2015, by the Gallery “IMMAGINI SPAZIO ARTE ITALART” of Cremona.
  • “Bellezze Diverse”, Imperial Palace of Genoa (Italy), by the “Movimento Arte del XXI Secolo”, 28th October to 14th November 2014.
  • Arte senza Ostacoli – Artisti a Confronto”, Royal Palace of Quisisana, Castellamare di Stabia, Italy, 11th to 22nd October 2014.
  • “The Gem of the Month”, Jewelry Magu, Busto Arsizio (Italy), 25th September to 24th October 2014.
  • “Royal Art in the World”, Italian and Foreign Contemporary Art Exhibition, Royal Opera Arcade (ROA) Gallery, London, 7-12th July 2014, by the “International Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art” of Turin (MIIT) and “Italia Arte” Editions.
  • “Sugli Antichi Spalti”, Castle of Priamar, Sybil Palace, Savona (Italy), 1 – 15 March 2014, by the “Movimento Arte del XXI Secolo”.
  • “Women/Creators” – Etihad Modern Art Gallery, Abu Dhabi, 29th January-25th February 2014.
  • X Biennial of International Art of Rome, Sale del Bramante at P.za del Popolo, 18th -27th January 2014.
  • Paris, Carousel du Louvre, 25-27 October 2013, Art-Shopping.
  • “A Show of Hands”, Charity Art Auction, Abu Dhabi Art Hub, Abu Dhabi – 8th to 22nd June 2013, in aid of “Operation Smile”.
  • “ADAS Summer Exhibition 2013” – Fairmont Bab Al Bahr Hotel, Abu Dhabi – June 2013.
  • “Italy Art Exhibition”, Abu Dhabi Art Hub, Abu Dhabi – May 2013, sponsored by the Italian Embassy to the UAE.
  • Second Selection Exhibition  “Citta’di Piano di Sorrento” for the International “Biennale” of Rome 2014 – Villa Fondi – 6th  April 2013 – Selected to participate to the “Biennale” of Rome in January 2014 with the work  “Kavita – My Muse” .
  • “Etihad Colours”, Etihad Gallery, Abu Dhabi –February 2013 (UAE).
  • “Donne”, National Theatre Abu Dhabi, March 2012, sponsored by the Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority, in cooperation with the Italian Embassy to the UAE.
  • Abu Dhabi Millennium Hotel – October 2011.
  • Café’ Arabia, Abu Dhabi, April 2011.
  • “7 Perspectives”, National Theatre Abu Dhabi, January 2011, sponsored by Adach (Abu Dhabi Authority for Culture & Heritage).
  • Abu Dhabi Delma Corner, Cultural Foundation – 2005 (UAE).
  • Abu Dhabi Millennium Hotel -2005 (UAE).
  • Abu Dhabi Millennium Hotel -2004 (UAE).
  • Abu Dhabi Golf and Equestrian Club -2003 (UAE)
  • Abu Dhabi Health Club – 2002 (UAE)

Solo Exhibitions

  • Abu Dhabi – 22nd April – 22nd May 2018 – “Meeting with Art” – Ethereal Studio.
  • Hilton Hotel, Abu Dhabi – November 2012.
  • “Iris”, Busto Arsizio (Italy), May – June 2009, sponsored by MDARTE and Studio Arch. Paolo Torresan, Zanzibar workshop.
  • La Cascina del Lupo”, Busto Arsizio (Italy), September 2006, sponsored by MDARTE and Studio Arch. Paolo Torresan, Zanzibar workshop.
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