In November 2020, when publishing the Catalogue “Art Leader – Guide to Investment”, edited by Art Now of Palermo, on which I have been published the two works “In the sign of Lilith in Code 20” of 2020 and “Moon Effects” of 2015, I have been released a Certificate of Authenticity for Contemporary Art with Coefficient 6 (Six), for the economical evaluation of my works.
The said Certificate has been endorsed by Prof. Angelo Crespi, art critic, formed Director of the weekly magazine “IlgiornaleOff” of “Il Giornale” and Advisor of the Minister of Goods and Cultural Activities Sandro Bondi, from 2008 to 2011, currently Member of the Board of Directors of the Piccolo Teatro of Milan and, since 2013, teacher of Juridical and Economical Elements of Art at the Fine Arts Academy “Aldo Galli” in Rome.